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District Attorney Resources

A variety of established District Attorney-supported programs are available that provide options and resources that assist reentry. Explore them here.

Bucks County District Attorney

Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD)

A pre-trial intervention program for first-time, non-violent offenders

Drug Court

A voluntary program that assists non-violent offenders with successful rehabilitation from the use of drugs and/or alcohol

Addresses the needs of veterans cycling through the county court, probation and parole, and prison system and connects veteran defendants with a mentor who will provide guidance

Mental Health Resources

For individuals with serious mental illness diagnoses, Mental Health Court can help reduce the time offenders spend in jail and lead to quality-of-life improvements

District Court Diversion Program

A program designed for eligible individuals to expedite resolution at Magisterial District Court with accelerated and individualized access to Drug and Alcohol Assessment and/or other services, and reduced court costs; upon successful completion, case is dismissed and eligible for expungement

Community Accountability Program (CAP)

Engages community volunteers, representatives from local government, treatment professionals and law enforcement in seeking remedies to the harm caused by criminal behavior, holding first-time offenders accountable for minor criminal infractions with the opportunity to avoid a criminal conviction

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